You can see the full blurb for the event at the event registration page.
Date: Monday 13th November 2017, 6.00pm to 9.00pm
Venue: The Story Museum, 42 Pembroke Street, Oxford, OX1 1BP

While Digital Transformation is the catchphrase of many boardrooms, the drag of legacy technology and entrenched providers means that many workplaces and large organisations operate in the much the same way they did ten or even twenty years ago. Today, workplace automation needs people to deliver it and is still a complex requirement.
The evolution of low cost artificial intelligence (AI) technology and cloud platforms now means that organisations have the capability to ‘automate the automation’ and replace large swathes of traditional human tasks with automated processes that evolve under their own guidance. This has the staggering potential to rewrite the business but most importantly social landscape.
As with all generational changes this is a double-edged sword and the upside is that AI technology will also free up and empower people to drive innovation projects free from bureaucracy. But will this be enough?
Oxford Technology and Media is delighted to welcome Angelique Mohring, CEO of Gain X, noted anthropologist, archaeologist and technology executive. Angelique is thoughtfully leading the gathering storm that AI brings and will answer questions such as: Have we thought about what it means? What happens to the workforce that is no longer needed? What roles are impacted? What can the government do? Most importantly, will the new jobs created through innovation replace the roles lost to AI?
Acknowledgement: Oxford Technology & Media Network would like to thank Grant Thornton LLP for their kind support of both this event and Oxford Technology & Media Network programme.
Photograph courtesy of Gavin McLauchlan.
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